Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Plate commissions for my brother's new beach house.  Each is 12" diameter wheel-thrown and glazed with low fire underglaze with crushed glass added to the top blue and bottom green plates for a crackle effect.  The request was specific and not my usual style, but turned out OK I would say.

Saturday, May 23, 2015


blood moon
I've had a fascination with taking photographs of the moon. Something magnetic about that moon. Cold, desolate, and a thing of beauty. It's all about light and shadow and a bit of color. I've taken the best shots and put them in a photobook, Moonscapes, that you can see on at  What got me started was a freebie photo book offer with a deadline. Motivating!  The Artists in Cellophane people were also asking for a submission with something inspiring so I'm sending Gift tag cards that have moon shots with inspiring (mostly romantic...over the moon...for you, etc) messages. Look for them in the next few months at your nearest art vending machine.
If it's not cloudy, take a minute to look at the moon. It's got my stepson's name on a piece of equipment left on a moonwalk on i